RedVector RV-10583

Data Centers: MEP, Fire Protection, and Equipment Rooms

Data Centers: MEP, Fire Protection, and Equipment Rooms

2 hrs. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-10583

SME: Greg Scheurich

Connectivity. The internet of things. Uptime. Reliability. What are these things? These are all terms and concepts that relate to the always connected, always “on” world that has evolved out of the digital age. The cornerstone of these concepts is the modern data center – massive, hulking, and also secretive buildings that house the hardware, firmware, and software that power our everyday lives. Email, phone calls, Facebook, Google – these are all services provided by the computers housed in data centers. They are located all over the country and the world. They are in high rise buildings in dense urban areas, and they are located in remote rural campuses. They are small, occupying a few thousand square feet in old, Tier I locations, or they can be massive, hundreds of thousands of square feet with 50MW of electrical power. These technological marvels require significant infrastructure to maintain the always-on, always-available status that we demand of services in the modern world. That level of reliability is not achieved through chance. Significant effort and expense is required to facilitate conditions that are conducive to 24x7 reliability. Not the least of which are Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection, and Security Systems for these centers.
In this course, we will dive into the complexities of these systems. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with the unique language and terms used to discuss the various elements of these systems – like PDU, UPS, EUI, and PUE (and, no, since this is not a one-man interpretation of Robin Williams’ efforts in “Good Morning, Vietnam!” you can rest assured that I didn’t make up any of those terms). You will also be able to understand the challenging design strategies that drive the installation and maintenance of these complex and integrated systems, and you will also have a much more in-depth understanding of the costs that drive data center design, construction, and maintenance efforts.
Note: This course offers subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify the four tiers of fault tolerance for data centers
  • Differentiate and describe the cooling systems used within a data center
  • Label and identify the elements of a vapor-compression system
  • Explain and select the elements of a one-line diagram
  • Describe and identify the three major components of the electrical Infrastructure within a data center
  • Explain the significance and role of a UPS system
  • Describe and identify the various elements of the critical power system within a data center
  • Identify and explain the elements associated with fire protection and security systems within a data center
Greg has earned degrees in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He also holds an MBA with a concentration in Finance from the University of Texas in Dallas. He has also completed additional graduate program work towards an MS in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Texas in Austin.
Greg has extensive MEP experience, having been involved in the design and construction of critical facilities for 15 years for MCI, Verizon, Sprint, and EDS. He has been with the Corps of Engineers for over 5 years, currently working as the Deputy Chief of the Engineering Branch, Ft. Worth District, and previously as the Ft. Worth District Sustainable Design Program Manager.
Greg is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Texas, a LEED accredited Professional, and a Certified Energy Manager. He has delivered a number of industry papers and presentations on topics such as Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Engineering Economics at various conferences. He has guest lectured at SMU and the University of Texas at Arlington, and was a board member for the United States Green Building Council Program Working Group for Greenbuild.
State Licenses
AL - Engineer (General - ,)
AR - Engineer (General - ,)
DE - Engineer (General - ,)
FL - Contractor, Certified (General - 0610849)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Electrical (Technical - 0801264)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Electrical Specialty (Technical - 0801264)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Palm Beach County (General - 0610849)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Pinellas County (General - 0610849)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Registered (General - 0610849)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Engineer (General - 0000271)
Accreditation: FBPE Approved Provider 33
FL - Firesafety Inspector (General - RN11101)
GA - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
GA - Engineer (General - ,)
IA - Engineer (General - ,)
ID - Engineer (General - ,)
IL - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IL - Engineer, Professional (General - ,)
IL - Engineer, Structural (General - ,)
IN - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Engineer (General - ,)
KY - Engineer (General - ,)
LA - Engineer (General - ,)
MD - Engineer (General - ,)
ME - Engineer (General - ,)
MI - Engineer (General - ,)
MN - Engineer (General - ,)
MO - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
MO - Engineer (General - ,)
MS - Engineer (General - ,)
MT - Engineer (General - ,)
NC - Engineer (General - ,)
ND - Engineer (General - ,)
NE - Architect (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.20 CEUs for this program
NE - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NE - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.20 CEUs for this program
NH - Engineer (General - ,)
NJ - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NJ - Engineer (General - 24GP000006300)
NM - Engineer (General - ,)
NV - Engineer (General - ,)
NY - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NY - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.2 CEU for this program.
OH - Engineer (General - ,)
OK - Engineer (General - ,)
OR - Engineer (General - ,)
PA - Code Official,Certified (UCC) (General)
PA - Engineer (General - ,)
PR - Engineer (General - ,)
SC - Engineer (General - ,)
SD - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
SD - Engineer (Technical - ,)
TN - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
TN - Engineer (General - ,)
TX - Engineer (General - ,)
UT - Engineer (General - ,)
VA - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
VA - Engineer (General - ,)
VT - Engineer (General - ,)
WA - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Engineer (General - ,)
WV - Engineer (General - ,)
WY - Engineer (General - ,)
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Environmental Engineers - AAEES - Member (General - ,)
American Institute of Architects - AIA - Architects (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
American Society of Plumbing Engineers - ASPE - Certification (General - 01617)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions, as the provider of this course, has received approval for 2 contact hours for Certified in Plumbing Design and Certified Plumbing Design Technician by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers. RedVector, ScenarioLearning, and TargetSolutions are brand names of Vector Solutions.
Association for Facilities Engineering - AFE - Certification (General)
Canada - Alberta Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Alberta Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - British Columbia Architect (AIBC) (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - British Columbia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Manitoba Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Manitoba Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - New Brunswick Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - New Brunswick Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territories and Nunavut Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territory Architect / Restricted Practitioner (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Ontario Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Ontario Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Prince Edward Island Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Prince Edward Island Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Quebec Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Quebec Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Saskatchewan Architect (General - RV1682-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Saskatchewan Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Yukon Engineer (General - ,)
National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies - NICET (General - ,)
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - OACETT - Certified Member (Contribution to Technical Knowledge)
Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals - SMRP (General)