RedVector RV-11198AW

Working Effectively with Building Officials and Inspectors

Working Effectively with Building Officials and Inspectors

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-11198AW

SME: Robert Hazleton, Jr., PE

Who is an Authority Having Jurisdiction? How should you communicate with them? Anyone associated with building design and construction will eventually interact with a building official or inspector. This includes Fire Marshals, Health Departments, Planning Departments, local gas and electric companies and water and sewer departments. Having a positive and professional relationship will go a long way in creating a cost effective, timely and safe project. This interactive online course will present a number of techniques to use to ensure a productive outcome including: knowing the applicable codes, being professional, first impressions, understanding the role of the local AHJ, knowing when to appeal an unfavorable ruling, knowing when to accept an unfavorable ruling, and establishing your credentials.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Describe the primary role and responsibility of the AHJ
  • List at least five types of building officials and inspectors
  • Identify the important factors in determining the codes of the local jurisdiction
  • List the most effective communication methods
  • Identify the qualities that can be assessed upon first impressions
  • Explain the factors that may affect the decision to appeal an unfavorable ruling
Robert  Hazleton, Jr., PE Photo

Bob has over 40 years of experience in mechanical engineering. His experience includes hands on work at an electrical generating station, part of an installation team at a NASA tracking station and supervisor of an operations and maintenance crew at a research laboratory. Bob also has been a design engineer working for Lenity Architecture and its predecessors for the past 18 years. This range of experience gives Bob a unique perspective of mechanical systems design and installation.


Bob is a registered professional engineer in 36 States. During his time with Lenity Architecture, Bob has worked on hundreds of projects across the United States and Canada. In this range of work, Bob has experienced a vast variety of building codes and interpretations. Bob has experience with HVAC, plumbing, natural gas, electrical power, fire alarm and low voltage systems. He has experience testing smoke control systems and kitchen ventilation systems.


Bob is married and lives in Oregon. His two adult children are employed in the medical field as an MD and an RN. Bob is a retired NCAA and High School football official. 

State Licenses
AK - Land Surveyor (General)
AL - Engineer (General - ,)
AL - Land Surveyor (General)
AL - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
AR - Engineer (General - ,)
AR - Land Surveyor (General)
DC - Engineer (General - CE21800018)
DE - Engineer (Business Practice (maximum of 9 hours) - ,)
FL - Contractor, Certified (Business Practice - 0612255)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Palm Beach County (Business Practice - 0612255)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Pinellas County (Business Practice - 0612255)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Registered (Business Practice - 0612255)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Land Surveyor (General - 10786)
GA - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
GA - Engineer (General - ,)
GA - Land Surveyor (General)
GA - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
IA - Engineer (General - ,)
IA - Land Surveyor (General)
ID - Engineer (General - ,)
ID - Land Surveyor (General)
IL - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IL - Engineer, Professional (General - ,)
IL - Engineer, Structural (General - ,)
IL - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
IN - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IN - Engineer (General - Board Approved - CE21800018)
IN - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
KS - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Engineer (General - ,)
KS - Land Surveyor (General)
KS - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
KY - Engineer (General - ,)
LA - Engineer (General - ,)
LA - Land Surveyor (General)
LA - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
MD - Engineer (General - ,)
MD - Land Surveyor (General)
MD - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
ME - Engineer (General - ,)
ME - Land Surveyor (General)
MI - Contractor, Residential Builder and M & A (General)
MI - Engineer (General - ,)
MI - Land Surveyor (General)
MI - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
MN - Engineer (General - ,)
MO - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
MO - Engineer (General - ,)
MO - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
MS - Engineer (General - ,)
MS - Land Surveyor (General)
MT - Engineer (General - ,)
NC - Engineer (General - ,)
NC - Land Surveyor (General)
ND - Engineer (General - ,)
ND - Land Surveyor (General)
NE - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NE - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
NH - Engineer (General - ,)
NH - Land Surveyor (General)
NJ - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NJ - Engineer (General - 24GP000006300)
NM - Engineer (General - ,)
NM - Land Surveyor (General)
NM - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
NV - Engineer (General - ,)
NV - Land Surveyor (General)
NY - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NY - Land Surveyor (General)
NY - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
OH - Engineer (General - ,)
OH - Land Surveyor (General)
OH - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
OK - Engineer (General - ,)
OK - Land Surveyor (General)
OR - Engineer (General - ,)
OR - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
PA - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
PR - Engineer (General - ,)
SC - Engineer (General - ,)
SD - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
SD - Engineer (General - ,)
SD - Land Surveyor (General)
SD - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
TN - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
TN - Engineer (General - ,)
TN - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
TX - Engineer (General - ,)
UT - Engineer (General - ,)
UT - Land Surveyor (General)
VA - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
VA - Engineer (General - ,)
VA - Land Surveyor (General)
VA - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
VT - Engineer (General - ,)
WA - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WA - Land Surveyor (General)
WA - Landscape Architect (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
WI - Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Contractor, Dwelling Qualifier Certification (General - 20936)
WI - Engineer (General - ,)
WI - Land Surveyor (General)
WV - Engineer (General - ,)
WV - Land Surveyor (General)
Accreditation: RedVector is the approved provider of this course offering. RedVector has changed its name and is now operating as Vector Solutions.
WV - Landscape Architect (General (max 6 hrs online) - Approved LA CES-2025)
WY - Engineer (General - ,)
WY - Land Surveyor (General)
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Environmental Engineers - AAEES - Member (General - ,)
American Hospital Association - AHA - Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) (General)
American Institute of Architects - AIA - Architects (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
American Institute of Certified Planners/American Planning Association - AICP - Certified Planners (General - 9300228)
American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE - Academy of Geo-Professionals (AGP) (General)
American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE - American Academy of Water Resources Engineer (AAWRE) (General)
American Society of Landscape Architects (LA CES) - ASLA - Member (General - Approved LA CES-2025)
Association of State Floodplain Managers - ASFPM - Certified Floodplain Manager (Core)
Canada - Alberta Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Alberta Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - British Columbia - Residential Builder (General)
Canada - British Columbia Architect (AIBC) (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - British Columbia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Manitoba Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Manitoba Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - New Brunswick Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - New Brunswick Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territories and Nunavut Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territory Architect / Restricted Practitioner (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Ontario Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Ontario Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Prince Edward Island Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Prince Edward Island Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Quebec Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Quebec Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Saskatchewan Architect (General - RV2160-2025)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Saskatchewan Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Yukon Engineer (General - ,)
Canadian Registered Safety Professionals - CRSP (General)
Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control, Inc - CAN-CISEC, CISEC (USA) (General)
EnviroCert International - Certified Professional (CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI, CPMSM, CPISM, CPWSI) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Accredited Professional (AP BD+C) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Accredited Professional (AP Homes) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Accredited Professional (AP ID+C) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Accredited Professional (AP ND) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Accredited Professional (AP O+M) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - LEED Green Associate (GA) (General)
Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI - WELL Accredited Professional (AP) (General)
International Facility Management Association - IFMA - Certified Facility Manager (CFM) (General)
International Maintenance Institute - IMI - Certifications (CMT, CMP, CMM, CWWMT) (General)
International Society of Automation - ISA - Certifications (General)
National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies - NICET (General - ,)
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - OACETT - Certified Member (Contribution to Technical Knowledge)