NC - 2023 NEC Changes: General Requirements for Electrical Installations, Wiring Methods, Conductors, and Enclosures (PGM)
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
- Discuss the concerns of cybersecurity in the NEC in Section 110.3
- Recall the requirements for terminations of dissimilar metals in 110.14
- Recall the new requirements for maintaining electrical equipment in 110.17
- Explain the requirements for removing listing marks in 110.21
- Discuss the revised requirements for marking disconnecting means in 110.22
- Explain the new section for equipment within sight of other equipment in 110.29
- Discuss the damage protection requirements of 300.4
- Explain the clarification for conductor length in 300.14
- State the importance of exit stairways in 300.25
- Discuss the allowances of copper-clad aluminum conductors in 310.3
- Explain the clarification for 310.15 for rooftops
- Explain the revisions in 314.16 for box fill
- List the requirements for boxes supported by cord pendants in 314.23
- Recall the rules in 314.27 for boxes that support ceiling fans
Courses in this Package
Course Title
Avg. Rating
State Licenses
NC - Electrician, Special Restricted Contractors (General - CEC.05709)
NC - Electrician, Unlimited, Intermediate, Limited, Residential Dwelling (General - CEC.05709)