RedVector RV-7730

Understanding Organizational Change, Part I

Understanding Organizational Change, Part I

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-7730

SME: W. Foster

This course has been discontinued
"Understanding Organizational Change" is the first in a series of short courses designed to help leaders understand and manage change in modern organizations. Change is rarely welcomed by employees no matter how good the innovation is. In this 1-hour interactive online course, you will be given background information designed to help you understand why this is so. It also lays the foundation for future courses where you will explore how to 'sell' an innovation and manage the change process.

There will be a test included at the end of this course.
Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Provide a basic explanation of how innovations 'diffuse' through an organization
  • Provide an explanation of why people resist change
  • Evaluate an organizational change situation
  • Develop a rational for a 'campaign' designed to change some aspect of an organization
State Licenses
NC - Land Surveyor (General)