RedVector RVI-10800AW

R & D Chemical Hygiene

R & D Chemical Hygiene

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RVI-10800AW

SME: Mark DiNardo, CSP

Significant injures, damage to facilities and disruption of work can occur when chemicals are not properly stored and handled.  By the end of this course, you will learn about the hazards of working with chemicals in a Research and Development Laboratory. 
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Review applicable REGULATIONS for chemical hygiene
  • Discuss guidelines for handling hazardous chemicals
  • Develop chemical spill control procedures for your facility
  • Review the revised Hazard Communication Standard
  • Discuss chemical storage and compatibility
  • Develop chemical waste guidelines for your facility
Mark DiNardo, CSP Photo
Mark earned a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) since 2010. He also is a Class A/B/C Tank Operator in the state of Pennsylvania. Mark has been a Safety Professional for 16 years including the last 11 years with the Environmental Health and Safety Department at the University of Pittsburgh. As a Hazardous Material and Environmental Compliance Specialist his responsibilities include oversight of high hazard chemical laboratories, chemical risk assessments, chemical spill response, fuel storage tank inspections and safety training. Prior to his work in the safety field, Mark was a chemist in an inorganic industrial laboratory in which he conducted bench scale and pilot studies of industrial wastewater systems. Areas of expertise include chemical safety, spill response and safety training.
Professional Organizations
Association for Facilities Engineering - AFE - Certification (General)
Board of Certified Safety Professionals - BCSP - Certification (General)
Institute of Hazardous Materials Management - IHMM - Certification (General)