RedVector RV-6600

Role of the New Supervisor

Role of the New Supervisor

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-6600

SME: Donna Koby

This course has been discontinued

This 1-hour interactive online course is for the newly promoted supervisor, but is valuable to experienced managers as well. It begins where you begin: the introduction to your new work environment and dealing with the changes in your status.

You will then learn the core skills you need in your supervisory role, from dealing with relationships between co-workers (now that you are their supervisor) to creating a presence with new employees or those from another work group. The lesson gets into identifying problems and defining them, approaching them, rectifying them and finally verifying the solutions.

In this course you will learn to "coach" employees through feedback, mentoring, and counseling. The touchy subjects of corrective counseling and employee discipline are covered as well as the methods of planning, conducting and benefiting from employee meetings. You will find a template for time management for your work and personal life. The course concludes with a motivational and highly informative section "Take Care Of Yourself".

Congratulations. You are a now a supervisor. And here is the guide to making you the best you can be.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, you will:

  • Know how to make a successful transition from employee to manager
  • Be able to manage your time so that you can deal with the constant demands of a managerial job
  • Be able to recognize the skills required to delegate responsibility and motivate your employees
  • Understand how to influence and direct other people''s performance
  • Learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts so you can accomplish your job more effectively
State Licenses
AK - Land Surveyor (General)
NC - Land Surveyor (General)