RedVector ST-0063AD

Smart Sales 1: Understanding the Psychology of Sales

Smart Sales 1: Understanding the Psychology of Sales

0.5 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: ST-0063AD

SME: Anonymous

Welcome to part one of this six part course designed to help you develop professional sales skills. This course is designed to quickly give you the basic skills, knowledge, and methods you need to start selling fast. Whether you’re in retail, technology, manufacturing, or services you’ll discover how to start selling like a top professional sales person.    


Course Objectives
On completion of this course you will be able to:
  • Describe the basic skills and methods to start selling fast
  • Discuss how to hold a conversation with your prospects to gain a better understanding of what they want
  • Differentiate between salesperson and the sales professional
  • List the key selling points
  • Identify the skills you must develop in sales