RedVector RV-PGM144

The Risk of Misclassification of Employees & Essentials of I-9 Compliance (RV-PGM144)

The Risk of Misclassification of Employees & Essentials of I-9 Compliance (RV-PGM144)

1 hr. Program

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-PGM144

SME: Anonymous

In the first module of this interactive, online program, we will define the term independent contractor. We will describe tests used to classify workers as independent contractors, such as behavior controls, financial controls, and the actual working relationship, and we will discuss examples of independent contractors. The second module of this program will discuss valuable information on how to complete Form I-9, an important document used for employment eligibility verification. The Form I-9 is a valuable and easy-to-use tool. The use of Form I-9 helps protect jobs for authorized workers, and ensure a legal workforce.
Course Objectives


  • Recall the do’s and don’ts of working with independent contractors
  • Identify the factors used to determine joint employment relationships 
  • Identify who is legally authorized to work in the United States
  • Explain Form I-9 storage and retention requirements
Courses in this Package
Professional Organizations
Society for Human Resource Management - SHRM - Certified Professional (General - 26-YKQET)