RedVector RV-10565AW

Understanding Moisture Intrusion and Its Impact on Mold Growth

Understanding Moisture Intrusion and Its Impact on Mold Growth

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-10565AW

SME: Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP

The basic role of a building is to protect the indoors from the outdoors. That includes water intrusion. Water intrusion can happen in many ways and can have a detrimental effect on the structure and the people within. This course studies the various forms of water intrusion; the physics of how it happens; its effects on building systems and materials; and ways to understand it, avoid it, and remedy it. It also illustrates the impact moisture intrusion has on mold growth , as well as the proliferation of other micro-organisms.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Explain the nature of water (as solid, liquid, and vapor) along with the various ways it can intrude on the buildings we live and work in
  • Recognize signs that moisture intrusion is having a detrimental effect on your building materials
  • Identify different ways to measure, predict and avoid moisture intrusion /li>
  • Describe why bacteria and mold growth concentrate in certain areas of the building envelope
Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP Photo
Michael A. Pinto, CSP, CMP, is chief executive officer of Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc., a manufacturing and environmental consulting firm that specializes in identification and control of asbestos, lead, IAQ, mold, industrial hygiene, and chemical problems. Mr. Pinto is the author of over 150 published articles and several books including, Fungal Contamination: A Comprehensive Guide for Remediation. He completed doctoral course work in environmental engineering and holds numerous certifications in the environmental and safety areas including Certified Safety Professional and Certified Mold Professional. He was selected as part of the Mitigation Assessment Team for FEMA following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. He was the lead author on the FEMA Fact Sheet Cleaning Flooded Buildings after Hurricane Sandy and was a contributor to the EPA’s Healthy Homes Initiative. He was a contributor to the section of the A.M. Best Underwriting Guide related to mold remediation and restoration contractors.
State Licenses
AK - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
AL - Engineer (General - ,)
AL - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
AR - Engineer (General - ,)
AR - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
CA - Interior Designer, Certified (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
CT - Interior Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
DC - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
DE - Engineer (General - ,)
FL - Building Code Administrator (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Certified (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Palm Beach County (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Pinellas County (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Registered (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Engineer (General - 0000271)
Accreditation: FBPE Approved Provider 33
FL - Examiner (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Home Inspector (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Inspector (General - 0610846)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Interior Designer (General, Health, Safety & Welfare - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
FL - Mold Assessors and Remediators (General - 0000182)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
GA - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
GA - Engineer (General - ,)
GA - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
IA - Engineer (General - ,)
IA - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
ID - Engineer (General - ,)
IL - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IL - Engineer, Professional (General - ,)
IL - Engineer, Structural (General - ,)
IN - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IN - Interior Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
KS - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
KY - Engineer (General - ,)
KY - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
LA - Engineer (General - ,)
LA - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - 12.999296.23)
MD - Engineer (General - ,)
MD - Interior Designer, Certified (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
ME - Engineer (General - ,)
MI - Engineer (General - ,)
MN - Engineer (General - ,)
MN - Interior Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
MO - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
MO - Engineer (General - ,)
MO - Interior Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
MS - Engineer (General - ,)
MS - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
MT - Engineer (General - ,)
MT - Home Inspector (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
NC - Engineer (General - ,)
NC - Interior Designer, Registered (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
ND - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
NE - Architect (General, Health, Safety & Welfare)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.10 CEUs for this program
NE - Architect (General, Health, Safety & Welfare - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NE - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.10 CEUs for this program
NH - Engineer (General - ,)
NJ - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NJ - Engineer (General - 24GP000006300)
NJ - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
NM - Engineer (General - ,)
NM - Home Inspector (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
NM - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
NV - Engineer (General - ,)
NV - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
NY - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NY - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.
OH - Engineer (General - ,)
OK - Engineer (General - ,)
OK - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
OR - Engineer (General - ,)
PA - Code Official,Certified (UCC) (General)
PA - Engineer (General - ,)
PR - Engineer (General - ,)
SC - Engineer (General - ,)
SD - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
SD - Engineer (Technical - ,)
TN - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
TN - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
TN - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
TX - Engineer (General - ,)
TX - Interior Designer (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
UT - Engineer (General - ,)
UT - Interior Designer, Certified Commercial (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
VA - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
VA - Engineer (General - ,)
VA - Home Inspector (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
VT - Engineer (General - ,)
WA - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Engineer (General - ,)
WI - Home Inspector (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
WI - Interior Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
WV - Engineer (General - ,)
WV - Home Inspector (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
WY - Engineer (General - ,)
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Environmental Engineers - AAEES - Member (General - ,)
American Council for Accredited Certification - ACAC - Member (General)
Accreditation: RedVector is an independent course provider not affiliated with the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC). ACAC does not develop, accredit or approve training courses, nor does it contract with course providers.
American Hospital Association - AHA - Certified Healthcare Constructor (CHC) (General)
American Hospital Association - AHA - Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) (General)
American Institute of Architects - AIA - Architects (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
American Society of Home Inspectors - ASHI (General)
Accreditation: This course is approved for 1 of ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
American Society of Interior Designers - ASID - Member (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
BOMI International - RPA, FMA and/or SMA (General)
Building Operator Certification - BOC - Certification (General)
Canada - Alberta Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Alberta Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - British Columbia - Residential Builder (General)
Canada - British Columbia Architect (AIBC) (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - British Columbia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Manitoba Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Manitoba Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - New Brunswick Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - New Brunswick Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territories and Nunavut Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territory Architect / Restricted Practitioner (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Ontario Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Ontario Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Prince Edward Island Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Prince Edward Island Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Quebec Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Quebec Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Saskatchewan Architect (General - RV1697-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Saskatchewan Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Yukon Engineer (General - ,)
Interior Design Continuing Education Council - IDCEC (Health, Safety & Welfare - CC-117950R1-1000)
Interior Design Society - IDS - Member (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
Interior Designers of Canada - IDC - Member (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
International Facility Management Association - IFMA - Certified Facility Manager (CFM) (General)
International Interior Design Association - IIDA - Professional or Associate Member (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
International Maintenance Institute - IMI - Certifications (CMT, CMP, CMM, CWWMT) (General)
International Society of Automation - ISA - Certifications (General)
National Council for Interior Design Qualification - NCIDQ - Certified Designer (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies - NICET (General - ,)
National Kitchen & Bath Association - NKBA - Certified Member (General - CC-117950R1-1000)
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - OACETT - Certified Member (Contribution to Technical Knowledge)