RedVector RV-6685

Team Building IV: Conflict Management

Team Building IV: Conflict Management

2 hrs. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-6685

SME: Donna Koby

This course has been discontinued
This 2-hour interactive online course involves the unpleasant but unavoidable side of team leadership- trouble. It happens to every team, but don''t despair. This course shows you how to recognize the signs of trouble and what to do when you find it.

You will also learn the importance of motivation and positive communication. By understanding that our basic human needs form the basis of all motivation (positive and negative) you will discover the benefits of reward, growth and challenge as motivational factors. Nothing moves without motivation and this course assists you in creating and maintaining positive and productive motivation. Keep your team happy and productive...and out of trouble.

There will be a test included at the end of this course.
Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the conflict style and conflict symptoms of your team.
  • Describe the warning signs that a team may be in trouble.
  • Utilize techniques for getting your team unstuck.
  • Evaluate how your team manages conflict.
  • Direct conflict management activities.
  • Motive and recognize team members.
State Licenses
AK - Land Surveyor (General)
NC - Land Surveyor (General)