RedVector RV-W072723

07/27/2023: LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR, 10 Strategies for Improving Engineering Competence - Second Repeat Presentation, Thursday, July 27, 2023, 12pm-1pm Eastern

07/27/2023: LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR, 10 Strategies for Improving Engineering Competence - Second Repeat Presentation, Thursday, July 27, 2023, 12pm-1pm Eastern

1 hr. Webinar

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-W072723

SME: Dave Adams

This is a live, repeat presentation of a webinar that was originally offered on 03/16/2023. Attendees of the previously offered presentation, RV-W031623, will not receive CEU for attending the 07/27/2023 presentation.
Licensed engineers are expected to keep current with codes and research that is relevant to their field of practice, but does this requirement enhance competence? Growth in the engineering profession requires intentional study and action, and has the direct benefits of improved client loyalty and strong risk management. This webinar will present 10 effective strategies that an engineer can adopt to make a lasting, positive impact on their growth in competence and strengthen their joy in everyday practice.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToWebinar. Session instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar. If you have not received your instructions for any reason please call Customer Support (1-866-546-1212) the day of the event. Webinars are live and interactive. Students will have the ability to directly interact with and ask questions of the presenter.
Course Objectives
By the end of this webinar you will be able to: 
  • Explain 10 practical strategies for increasing your competence in matters that have a direct effect on ecological and human prosperity.
  • Honestly evaluate current competencies and understand how to grow effectively as you continue to reduce the risk to public safety.
  • Identify industry trends that are relevant, promote life safety, and provide personal growth.
  • Propose tasks to other engineers to help mentor them in their personal growth within their community.
  • Recognize roadblocks to growth and means of adaptation and avoidance that have an impact on society.
Dave Adams has been practicing structural engineering since graduation from the University of California, San Diego in 1990. He is currently a Principal Associate with BWE in San Diego, CA, and continues to serve as a subject matter expert for the California engineer's licensing board (BPELSG). He regularly designs and details structures of all materials and collaborates with other engineers and draftspersons. Dave also investigates structural failures or damage for a variety of building types and has written comprehensive reports to summarize findings and retrofit recommendation. Mr. Adams is actively involved in the engineering community through committee membership, paper publication, and student mentoring.