RedVector RV-PGM176

NC Electrician 2017 NEC Changes: Appliances, Equipment and Special Equipment

NC Electrician 2017 NEC Changes: Appliances, Equipment and Special Equipment

2 hrs. Program

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-PGM176

SME: Anonymous

This two-part course discusses the 2017 NEC changes regarding appliances and equipment as well as special equipment.


Part I     2017 NEC Changes: Appliances and Equipment


Chapter 4 of the 2017 National Electrical Code contains requirements for appliances and equipment. Several changes were made in Article 400 for flexible cords and flexible cables, 408 for panelboards, 422 for appliances, 440 for air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and others. In this interactive, online course, we will discuss some notable changes including new rules for service panelboards, new listing requirements for appliances, new requirements for marking the available fault current, and a new equipment grounding conductor requirement for some air-conditioners.


Part II    2017 NEC Changes: Special Equipment


Do you keep up with changes to code? In this interactive online course we cover Chapter 6 of the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) and the changes it contains for special equipment requirements. Several changes were made in the articles for special equipment, including signs, electric vehicle charging systems and swimming pools. Notable changes include new requirements for signs with retrofitted illumination systems and changes to wiring methods for swimming pools and similar installations.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, you'll be able to: 

  • Understand what Article 400 really applies to
  • Know the new rules for protecting terminals in some panelboards
  • Understand the marking requirements for panelboards
  • List the rules for GFCI protection of appliances
  • Explain the new rule for appliances to be listed
  • Describe the requirements for cord and plug connected appliances
  • Know the changes for space heating cables
  • Understand the rules for determining the available for fault current at motor control centers
  • Describe the new rule for air conditioners on rooftops
  • Determine the ampacity for generator conductors
  • List the rules for generator disconnects
  • Describe the rules for door hardware and transformer vaults
  • Locate requirements for photovoltaic powered signs, and the 2017 NEC
  • Describe the requirements for signs where retrofitted illumination systems
  • Describe the updated requirements for electric vehicles
  • Explain the changes to underground wiring methods for pools
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