RedVector JCOM-00008

Hand and Power Tools - Construction Worksite Safety

Hand and Power Tools - Construction Worksite Safety

0.62 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: JCOM-00008

SME: Vector Solutions Commercial

Most of us use tools every day, whether non-powered, air-powered, gasoline-powered, electric, or hydraulic. As such, we need to be aware of – and avoid – the hazards. This online, interactive course addresses basic hand and power tool safety rules and teaches the precautions and guarding techniques you need to know to stay intact.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Recall how most tool-related accidents occur
  • Identify the types and characteristics of various power tools
  • State the proper steps to take prior to using any hand or power tool
  • Explain what to do when a tool is damaged
  • Identify the proper precautions to take when using certain hand and power tools
SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: Vector Solutions Commercial