RedVector RV-10249

Green Design: Integrated Design Process: Core Concepts, Principles, and Basic Practices

Green Design: Integrated Design Process: Core Concepts, Principles, and Basic Practices

3 hrs. Online Course

Level: Advanced

Item#: RV-10249

SME: Mike Pulaski

This course has been discontinued
Today, we live in a very exciting time that has the potential to reshape the world we live in and how we live in it. We’d like to personally thank you for joining this small but rapidly growing number of professionals across the country and across the world that are at the forefront of this movement toward a more sustainable society.
By enrolling in this course you will have demonstrated a true commitment to learning how to instill change in the way we all design and deliver the places we work, shop and call home. Changing this process is not an easy task, but the rewards are great. Through this new lens you will learn how to generate higher performing, economically viable and healthier buildings that are seamlessly integrated into their habitat and consume minimal resources.
This journey may change more than your approach to design. It has for many people, changed their outlook on life. Gaining a deeper understanding of how your personal decisions and interactions affect the natural and built environment, and perhaps more importantly - vice versa – how the natural and built environment impacts your own life and the decision you make.  While this is not the intended focus of the course, it is for many, an inevitable outcome. 
Course Objectives
After completing this course you will be able to:
  • Identify the core concepts and principles of Integrated Design.
  • Describe how Integrated Design is different from current design practice (note: include project team structure and contracts).
  • Describe the Whole Systems Integrative Process (WSIP-2007) ANSI approved standard 
  • Explain how Integrated Design is integral to LEED projects.
  • Know what resources are available to help you implement Integrated Design on your projects.