This is a live, repeat presentation of a webinar that was originally offered on 03/07/2024. Attendees of the previously offered presentation, RV-W030724, will not receive CEU for attending the 07/31/2024 presentation.
For over one hundred years until the last quarter of the 20th Century, specifying a roof system for any flat commercial building in the United States was a relatively simple task. Only one type of roofing system was used: a “built-up roof” composed of layers of fabric (or roofing “felts”) embedded in applied coatings of hot tar or asphalt. For the specifier, the only question was how many layers to install: two, three, or four? But the process of installing layers of hot, smoky asphalt is both labor intensive and hazardous. And by the 1970s new roofing types were developed that required less labor and posed fewer worker hazards. These new alternatives included an alphabet soup of chemical polymers – PVC, SBS, APP, EPDM, and more. They all offered installation savings and performance benefits, although at the expense of increased confusion in the marketplace. As a result, the specification and selection of a commercial roofing system became a more complex undertaking, requiring increased understanding of the key functions of roofing systems as well as a detailed knowledge of the many different commercial roofing types.
To help simplify the roof system selection process, this seminar reviews the knowledge base and decision path needed for building professionals to make the best roofing selection for their specific situation and need. The webinar starts with a brief history of commercial roofing, with special emphasis on the key factors that have shaped today’s roofing market. Next, all of the major types of low-slope commercial roofing system options are reviewed, with a focus on the specific strengths and shortcomings of each type. Finally, each of these modern roofing system is compared against a list of critical functions that modern roofing systems must be expected to perform. Using the key characteristics of modern roofing systems and comparing them against today’s demands on roofs, building professionals can be equipped to evaluate roofing system alternatives in a logical and cost-effective manner.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToWebinar. Session instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar. If you have not received your instructions for any reason, please call Customer Support (1-866-546-1212) the day of the event. Webinars are live and interactive. Students will have the ability to interact with and ask questions of the presenter directly.