RedVector RV-PGM166

IICRC 7 Hour Mold Health Effects and Science Program

IICRC 7 Hour Mold Health Effects and Science Program

7 hrs. Program

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-PGM166

SME: Anonymous

This course has been discontinued.

This program covers how mold growth can affect the health and safety of building occupants. The program also gives a little bit of a scientific background of mold. This program has 5 lessons with a test at the end of each lesson which must be passed with a score of 70% or better to move on to the next lesson. The 5 lessons are:

Lesson 1: More Than Mold -Health Effects Associated With Mold and Water Damage

Lesson 2: Health Effects Caused by Mold

Lesson 3: Mold Safety and Health

Lesson 4: The Science of Mold

Lesson 5: Mold Sampling

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify requirements for mold to grow.
  • Recognize health effects associated with mold.
  • Identify the most common health symptoms of mold exposure.
  • List the types of mold that are less noxious and more noxious to humans.
  • List the most common safety concerns on the project site.
  • Recognize the signs of heat related disorders and the initial stes to take in response.
  • Understand the difference between "good" and "bad" mold.
  • Describe the growth cycle of mold and what on-going conditions are needed for growth.
  • Recognize the appropriate use and limitations of ERMI and HERTSMI-2
  • Describe and choose from the numerous options available for air and surface field sampling.

Courses in this Package
Professional Organizations
Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification - IICRC - Certification (General)