RedVector RV-PGM178

OK Roofing Contractor: Introduction to Sustainable Technologies and Roofing Materials - Concrete Tiles

OK Roofing Contractor: Introduction to Sustainable Technologies and Roofing Materials - Concrete Tiles

4 hrs. Program

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-PGM178

SME: Anonymous

This course has been discontinued.

Part 1 will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of sustainable roof technologies including: vegetative roofs, photovoltaic roof applications, cool reflective approaches, recycled or bio-based content roofs, or some combination thereof. Focus of learning includes the benefits and limitations of sustainable roofs and the potential of technological advancements in sustainable roof design. 

Concrete tile is one of the most durable roofing materials available. Part 2 of this online course covers a variety of topics related to concrete tile roofs, such as underlayment requirements, valley metals and fasteners. It also covers some of the advantages of tile roofs including thermal advantages, seismic advantages and resistance to hail. 

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course you will be able to:


Understand the environmental and economic impacts of sustainable roofs.

- Comprehend the fundamentals of different types of sustainable roofs (i.e., green roofs, cool roofs, energy harnessing roofs)

- Understand why tile roofs have thermal advantages over other materials

- Understand the advantages tile has over other materials in earthquake areas and in areas subject to severe hail storms

Courses in this Package
Course Title
Avg. Rating
State Licenses
OK - Contractor, Roofing with Commercial Endorsement (General - 15773-R)